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About the Summit

Thank you for your interest in the 401k Fiduciary Summit – Virtual. I created the first summit in 2018 and my goal was to host a regional event that brings national value! The sponsors and I are excited for what we have put together for the 2021 summit and I hope you can join us. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would benefit.

Shane Hanson – Empower Retirement

We are excited to host you

Please join us for a valuable day of insights and updates

CE Credits

AIF®, C(k)P®, AIFA®, PPC® and SHRM-CP®


  9:05am PT
Empower Retirement

Recordkeeping Update and Trends – Joe Smolen – Empower Retirement

Joe Smolen is a Senior Vice President for Empower Retirement. In his role, Joe leads the core market segment, which consists of retirement plans with under $50 million in assets and includes some 24,000 plans and 1.6 million participants. Joe is also responsible for strategy development as well as all sales, client retention and financial […]
  9:40am PT
Empower Retirement

The Future of Participant Advice – Empower Retirement

Ken Munro – During a time when people may need financial advice more than ever, Empower Retirement was built on the idea that people deserve a better opportunity to reach their financial goals — and the belief that fiduciary advice and guidance should be available to everyone who needs it.
  10am PT
Empower Retirement

Cybersecurity Trends and Risks – Trish McGinity – Empower Retirement

Trish McGinity is Head of Cybersecurity Communications for Empower Retirement. In her role, she is responsible for delivering high-level security and technology presentations on the Empower cybersecurity program and related technology advancements to educate prospective, new and existing clients as well as Empower associates, including members of the executive leadership team.
  10:15am PT
Federated Hermes

ERISA Update – Bradford Campbell – Faegre Drinker

Bradford Campbell is a nationally recognized figure in employer-sponsored retirement plans who leverages his prior experience as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employee Benefits to advise clients across a broad range of issues related to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). As ERISA’s former “top cop” and primary regulator, Brad has detailed […]

March 2 Summit Materials

  9am PT

Defined Contribution Consulting Survey – PIMCO

In its 14th year, the PIMCO Defined Contribution Consulting Study seeks to help consultants, advisors and plan sponsors understand the breadth of views and consulting services available within the defined contribution (DC) marketplace. This year’s study includes a diverse set of respondents throughout the DC industry’s consultants and advisors.
  10am PT
T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc

Fiduciary misperceptions about investment selection and monitoring – T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc

Plan sponsors face an increasingly complex fiduciary landscape, as well as pressure to provide an optimal plan experience for participants at a reasonable cost. Making investment decisions under these conditions can prove challenging. In a litigation-prone environment, a fiduciary’s thoughtful, logical investment selection and oversight process should guard against misperceptions that are driven more by […]
  10:30am PT

Future in Focus® – Blackrock

BlackRock’s Future in Focus® is designed to offer data driven to support strategic design changes that may help your clients achieve better retirement readiness solutions.  The tool will help model how out the following for a hypothetical plan participant: Increase low participation or savings rates Drive retirement readiness Evaluate the effectiveness of the QDIA Explore the […]

April 6 Summit Materials

  10am - 11am PT
Department of Labor

Department of Labor Update

Please join us for an hour conversation with Andy Cameron, Benefits Advisor at the U.S. Department of Labor. We will review a 2020 update, their focus for 2021 and an open forum of Q/A.

April 22 Summit Materials

  9:30am PT
American Century

Proving Prudence and Participant Loyalty: A plan committee defends itself – American Century

Industry news outlets are filled with stories about retirement plan class action lawsuits. From new cases being filed to settlements being reached to court proceedings taking place, the stories keep coming. When faced with their own suit, American Century Investments® took the case to trial.  Learn how the committee successfully defended itself by demonstrating a […]
  10am PT
Franklin Templeton

Anatomy of a Recession or Recovery – Franklin Templeton

U.S. Economy: Anatomy of a Recession.  Robert Johanson, Director, Client Portfolio Manager of ClearBridge Investments will share with us his outlook and tools that can help your clients prepare for a possible recession.  You can expect to come away with: Access to data you need Simplify the message for your clients Help to make informed […]
  10:30am PT
Putnam Investments

5 Things you need to know about Social Security – Putnam Investments

Most people plan to rely on Social Security for retirement income. And the statistics bear that out. Social Security benefits already provide more than half of retirement income for 50% of couples and 71% of individuals.* Those preparing to retire may not understand the different ways to claim Social Security and, depending on their individual […]
  9am PT
Fidelity Investments

Plan Sponsor Attitudes – Fidelity Investments

Fidelity’s proprietary Plan Sponsor Attitudes study has examined plan sponsors’ priorities and detailed insights since 2008, based on interviews with more than 9,500 sponsors. The results can  be used to ensure your retirement plan services are in line with the current needs of plan sponsors.
  10:30am PT


Our research shows that innovation is a force that transcends crises and calamities, driving technological advancement forward at a powerful, exponential rate. We find that the most innovative companies ultimately produce stronger fundamentals and stock returns. Given its critical influence, we believe that innovation is an enduring force that holds the key to progress and […]
  9:30am PT
Lord Abbett

The Active Difference – Fixed Income – Lord Abbett

The big debate around active vs. passive continues to swirl. But we think the conversation needs to be refocused. We shouldn’t be discussing whether it is possible to add value to investment portfolios through active management, but rather, where it is possible. In this presentation, we examine the potential for active management to outperform passive […]

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AIF®, C(k)P®, AIFA®, PPC® and SHRM-CP®

This is a virtual summit. Once you register, we will send you a link for attendance.

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